Pastoral Care

Helping parishioners of all ages cope with life’s many challenges. Whether it is simply providing compassionate listening or remembering them in prayer with to find comfort and hope in the face of grief, illness, and uncertainty.

 A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the Consecrated Elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration.  A Eucharistic Visitor should normally act under the direction of a Deacon, if any, or otherwise, the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.

Prayer Chain 

We are devoted in prayer for one another, our nation, and the world. We invite you to pray with us. Please use the prayer request form, click here. Our "prayer warriors" will include you in their weekly prayers.  Names typically remain on the prayer list for a month, unless otherwise indicated.

Forward Day by Day

Forward Day by Day is a daily devotional, which provides daily meditations based on scripture readings from the lectionary.  The Forward Movement website provides information for receiving daily devotions, daily readings, among other offerings.  You can create an account that allows you to capture prayer lists and read the devotionals online in either English or Spanish.  You can order online the hard-copy devotional pocket-size or large print editions, eBook or in Braille.  They also offer a free podcast and smartphone app (for Apple or Android).  St. Martin's offers a quarterly devotional that can be mailed to you. 

Please see our newsletters or contact the parish office at

Card Ministry

Birthday, sympathy, thinking of you and get well cards are being mailed to the members of the St. Martin congregation and friends. Many thanks to the volunteers who are addressing and mailing out the cards. Please make sure your birth dates and anniversaries are recorded in REALM. If you do not want your year recorded, simply enter "1900". 

If you would like to offer your time to mail out cards for birthdays, anniversaries, sympathy or congratulations, please contact the parish office at

Mailing Newsletters

We have several parishioners that do not use a computer or have internet access. These parishioners will receive the newsletters through post office mail. Thank you to the volunteers you capture the electronic newsletter, convert and format it to Word, address and mail out the newsletters.  If you know of a parishioner that would like to have the newsletter mailed, please contact the office.  If you would like to provide assistance, please contact the parish office at

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